Vessel handle probably belonging to a krater. It consists of two heraldic lions standing on their hind legs and lifting their tails while turning their heads backwards. Muscle and mane details are incised while the bellies and tails are decorated with dots. The handle was adjusted on the vessel with bronze nails as a hole retaining part of a nail, on the handle’s lower part, indicate.
De Ridder, A., Bronzes Trouvés sur l' Acropole d'Athènes, Paris, 1896, σελ. 41, εικ. 14, αρ.κατ. 115 Jacobsthal, P., Greek pins and their connections with Europe and Asia, Oxford, 1956, σελ. 79 Marangou, L., Lakonische Elfenbein and Beinschnitzereien, Tübingen, 1969, σελ. 65 υποσημ. 385, εικ. 52 Filow, B.D., Die Archaische Nekropole von Trebenischte am Ochrida See, Berlin, 1972, σελ. 15 υποσημ. 3 Wagner, C., Dedication Practices on the Athenian Acropolis, 8th to 4th centuries BC, University of Oxford, 1997, σελ. 151